HTTP Interface

Receive SMS Message

Our server can be configured to forward received SMS messages to you webserver via a HTTP POST.

To configure HTTP forwarding please login into your account and go to Preferences and then select the Forwarding tab.

POST Fields:

from The mobile number of the message sender.
text The content of the text message
msgid IntelliSoftware's allocated message id
sent Date and time message was sent (in W3CDTF DateTime Format)
2010-02-03T13:50:05-00:00 = 3rd Feburary 2010 13:50:05 GMT
2010-06-10T14:45:12+01:00 = 10th June 2010 14:45:12 BST
networkcode The sender's home network.
This parameter is only available for messages received on shortcodes. See Network Code table for values.

HTTP Response:

Our server expects a HTTP 200 (OK) status. Any content returned by your server will be ignored.

If anything other than a status 200 is returned then our server will consider this an error. On an error condition our server will retry to delivery the same message every 5 minute until the error is resolved.

ASP Example:

From = Request("from")
Text = Request("text")

-- Place code here to use From and Text values
-- e.g. store message to a database

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