HTTP Interface

Message Status Reports

Our server can be configured to forward message status reports (e.g. Delivery Reports) to you webserver via a HTTP POST.

To configure HTTP forwarding please login into your account and go to Preferences and then select the Forwarding tab.

POST Fields:

msgid Unique message id (as returned when message was sent)

The message status:
0 - Unknown
1 - OK
2 - Message Queued
3 - Message Sent
4 - Message Delivered
5 - Error With Request
6 - Unable To Deliver
7 - Routing Error
8 - Message Expired
11 - Acknowledged By Recipient (Voice-SMS Only)
12 - Rejected By Recipient (Voice-SMS Only)

toaddr Phone Number message was sent to

HTTP Response:

Our server expects a HTTP 200 (OK) status. Any content returned by your server will be ignored.

If anything other than a status 200 is returned then our server will consider this an error. On an error condition our server will retry to delivery the same status report every 5 minute until the error is resolved.

ASP Example:

MsgId = Request("msgid")
Status = Request("status")
ToAddr = Request("toaddr")

-- Place code here to use MsgId, Status and ToAddr values
-- e.g. store status report to a database

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